Soil and Aggregate
ALLWEST provides compaction testing for mass grading, embankment construction, roadway subgrades, trench backfill, and gravel courses. We also provide source material investigations and testing for our clients for coarse and fine aggregate, base, concrete, and asphalt aggregate per Idaho Transportation Department (ITD), Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT), and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).
ALLWEST provides the necessary testing to ensure that mix parameters are met in accordance with approved mix design during production.ALLWEST also provides field quality control/quality assurance testing for density and asphalt temperature to paving companies for state, federal, county, and private projects.
Mobile Laboratory
ALLWEST has an up-to-date laboratory trailer for testing at remote projects. Our trailer is certified by ITD and is set-up for testing during crusher control, soils, and asphalt.